Tag Archives: AGM



TO: ALL MEMBERS                                                                                                                             DATE: 26 July 2020



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting for the year 2020 of the Penang Japanese Language Society will be held at the PJLS Clubhouse on Sunday, 16 August 2020 at 2:00pm.

谨此通知本会常年大会将于二零二零年八月十六日, (星期日)下午两点在本会所召开。



  1. Address by the President    会长报告
  2. To confirm the Minutes of the Last Annual General Meeting held on Sunday, 26 March 2017.   复准前会员大会议案
  3. To receive the Committee’s Report on the Activities of the Society during the previous year ended 31 December 2019.  接纳2019年常年活动报告
  4. To receive the Treasurer’s Report and the audited accounts of the Society for the previous year ended 31 December 2019. 接纳2019年财政报告
  5. To deal with such other matters of which 7 days’ notice had been given to the Secretary. 讨论在会员大会召开七天前呈上于秘书之事项

By order of the Committee, 执行委员会之指示

Leng Wei Chun 凌伟俊

Hon. Secretary   义务秘书

Postponement of the Annual General Meeting and addendum to Penang Japanese Language Society’s policy on Coronavirus (COVID19) – 16th March 2020 Update

On the 16th of March 2020, the Malaysian Registrar of Societies instructed all registered organisations in the country to postpone any conferences or general assemblies until June 30, 2020. In compliance to this directive, all classes and planned group meetings of the Penang Japanese Language Society, including the Annual General Meeting scheduled for 22nd March 2020, shall be postponed until further notice. Teachers of all current ongoing classes have been advised to inform their enrolled students accordingly. Resumption of lessons and new intakes will be announced in due course once the situation improves. During this time however, the Society’s premises will still be open to provide support for other official matters that do not require group gatherings, such as that related to the registration of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT). For such matters, visitors are reminded to abide by the policy posted on 12th March 2020 when conducting Society business.

During these trying times, please stay healthy, and practice good hygiene and social distancing measures recommended by our Ministry of Health. Let’s do our collective part to combat the spread of COVID19