On the 16th of March 2020, the Malaysian Registrar of Societies instructed all registered organisations in the country to postpone any conferences or general assemblies until June 30, 2020. In compliance to this directive, all classes and planned group meetings of the Penang Japanese Language Society, including the Annual General Meeting scheduled for 22nd March 2020, shall be postponed until further notice. Teachers of all current ongoing classes have been advised to inform their enrolled students accordingly. Resumption of lessons and new intakes will be announced in due course once the situation improves. During this time however, the Society’s premises will still be open to provide support for other official matters that do not require group gatherings, such as that related to the registration of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT). For such matters, visitors are reminded to abide by the policy posted on 12th March 2020 when conducting Society business.
During these trying times, please stay healthy, and practice good hygiene and social distancing measures recommended by our Ministry of Health. Let’s do our collective part to combat the spread of COVID19